Facilitator Training and Support Meetings

Lunch & Learn Mondays: Motivational Interviewing Practice

This is an opportunity for trained facilitators and those in training to come together and enhance their MI skills in a supportive environment. There will be two opportunities: 11 AM or 12 PM ET. Come to one or come to both. In both sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to delve into various Motivational Interviewing techniques and strategies through different scenarios and activities. This is a valuable learning and MI practice opportunity for all.

Lunch & Learn Wednesdays

Join the National Office Staff members and Volunteer Leaders on Wednesdays at 12 PM Eastern as we discuss a variety of topics including Culture and Diversity, Meeting Best Practices, Volunteer HQ Review, and many more! Don’t worry there will be plenty of time to ask questions about these topics, volunteering and training.

Training Role Play Meetings

This meeting is divided into two parts, starting out with “SMART Recovery in Action”, being an interactive role-play where a scenario is presented for discussion and the application of the SMART Recovery tools. The focus of the role-play is on how you’ll utilize the SMART tools and apply what you’re learning to help and support the person presenting the issue.

SMART Meeting Management (SMM):

If you are interested in furthering your skills in managing your meetings or more smoothly handling any challenges you might encounter; this discussion meeting is for you. Learn how to balance boundary setting (to “Do SMART Recovery”) with creating an accepting environment in which participants meaningfully discuss issues. You will hear how others deal with this ongoing balancing act and what they have found helpful through experience. You will learn how to be assertive on behalf of the group (that is, how to be “authoritative”), and how to deal with common challenges such as AA bashing, moderation advocacy, etc. Discussions may also include tool presentation and application, or new tools as they are developed.

Family & Friends Focused SMART Meeting Management (SMM):

Realizing that Family & Friends meetings bring their own unique challenges, we have created this focused SMM meeting to help further your skills to more smoothly handle challenges you may encounter.

N3C – Support for National Facilitators

This meeting is for facilitators and co-facilitators of meetings listed as National on SMARTfinder. It serves as a platform to strengthen our support system, delve into the national large-meeting model, and explore various meeting management opportunities within the national context.

Please be aware that there will be no meeting on holidays when the SMART National Office is closed.

More detals and our complete schedule can be found on the VolunteerHQ here!


Last modified: Thursday, 23 May 2024, 4:17 PM