Military Veteran Discounts

Do you work with or support Military Veterans dealing with addiction in a support setting or community-based organization?

SMART Recovery would like to assist you in making our science-based, religion-neutral approach to addiction recovery support available in your organization. As a non-profit organization ourselves, we understand that making programs available is a challenge with a limited budget... and we'd like to help in overcoming that barrier by providing our GSF 201: Facilitator Training or GSF 203: Facilitator and Family & Friends Training to your volunteers or staff at a significantly reduced rate.

Once approved, individuals from qualifying organizations wishing to offer SMART Recovery meetings will be able to register for our GSF 201: Facilitator Training program online course at the reduced registration fee of $35 (regularly $79) or our GSF 203: Facilitator and Family & Friends Training program online course at the reduced registration fee of $35 (regularly $79).

Once trained and having registered your SMART meeting, your organization will be able to order our handbooks at a discounted rate as well. Our SMART Recovery Handbook (3rd Edition) is designed for a wide audience.

It is our desire to partner with various organizations to bring Military Personnel and Veterans the support they deserve. Our staff and training team is available to brainstorm ways in which we can collaborate together to benefit individuals in recovery. 

Let’s work together to reach and benefit the maximum number of lives! 

Register Your Organization

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 7:13 AM