
As a result of the donations received from generous individuals during our annual "April is Volunteer Month" fundraising drive, we are able to provide the following special student discount and reduced-fee scholarship offerings for our GSF 201: Facilitator Training course.



If you are a student with a valid .edu email address, send an email to to request your student discount code, which will reduce the GSF 201: Facilitator Training or the GSF 203: Facilitator and Family & Friends Training registration fee by $44.

NOTE: The request for your student discount code, your training registration, and subsequent participation in the training must use the .edu email address the discount code was issued to. 


If you are a Veteran or active Military Personnel, send an email to to request your Military discount code, which will reduce the GSF 201: Facilitator Training or the GSF 203: Facilitator and Family & Friends Training registration fee by $44.


Discounts and Scholarships

Our training scholarship program is for individuals who would otherwise be unable to participate in our GSF 201:  Facilitator Training course due to limited funds, financial hardships, etc.

Upon application and approval, scholarships are awarded using a sliding-fee scale for a reduced registration fee of either $50, $35, or $20 based upon the level of individual need.

IMPORTANT NOTE: OUR TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM IS INTENDED FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO WILL BE PROVIDING A COMMUNITY SMART RECOVERY MEETING THAT IS OPEN AND AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Individuals with professional designations or those wishing to provide a “closed” meeting available only to specific individuals (e.g., patients, clients, etc.), payment of the full training registration fee is expected.

Due to the limited scholarship funds available, you may be offered a scholarship other than what was applied for. If such occurs, you have the choice to accept the scholarship being offered or not.

Upon notice of a scholarship award, a promo code will be included in the notification email that you'll enter in the online Training Registration Form, which will discount the registration fee to the amount of the awarded training scholarship.

For additional information about the training scholarship application procedure, email us at


Non-ProfitDo you work at a non-profit organization that assists and supports individuals dealing with addictive behaviors?

SMART Recovery would like to assist and partner with you in making our science-based, religion-neutral approach to addiction recovery support available in your non-profit organization.  As a non-profit organization ourselves, we understand that making programs available is a challenge with a limited budget... and we'd like to help in overcoming that barrier by providing our GSF 201: Facilitator Training ($59 each), GSF 203: Facilitator and Family & Friends Training ($59 each), or GSF 301: Professional Training ($179 each) to your volunteers or staff at a reduced rate.

Let’s work together to reach and benefit the maximum number of lives! 

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 7:18 AM